The Sunday Post #7

The Sunday Post was created by The Caffeinated Reader. In The Sunday Post, you share news each week with your audience. This can be personal, book news, blog news, or anything else you want. Click the creator’s name for more details!

Life Update

Despite my grumblings about my day job, I do love the people I work with. This week we started an office Book Club. We’ve decided to read one book per month, with the following rules:

  • Each month we vote on what genre we want to read
  • We can’t read the same genre two months in a row
  • We only read free ebooks available to everyone (not everyone has room in the budget for books)
    • To pick the book, we log on to BookBub, select the genre we’re going to read, pick the top 3 books available on all platforms (double-check that they really are free!), and then vote for the book we’d like to read.
  • There’s no pressure for anyone to read a book if they really don’t like the genre

We also do weekly Book Club questions for a bit of fun.

I’ve also been toying with the idea of starting a The Story Review Book Club for bloggers and readers alike. It would work slightly differently in a public forum, but I feel confident I could make it work. If you’re keen, drop a comment below!

Latest Read

I’m really enjoying our Book Club so far. The first book we picked was Blood of Stone by Jayne Faith. It’s not something I would have picked up on my own, but I’m loving it so far. I’ll post a full review of it towards the end of June/July.


A secret twin kidnapped by a Faerie king . . .

Hunting down the rogue vampire who killed her mother is Petra Maguire’s sole mission in life, despite her father’s urging to serve her people back home in Faerie. But when Petra discovers she has a changeling twin who’s been kidnapped, she can’t avoid Faerie affairs any longer. Plunging back into a world of magic, royalty, and power plays, her daring rescue of her sister pushes inter-kingdom hostilities to a tipping point. And suddenly, Petra is up to her eyeballs in Fae politics.

Tensions erupt into a threat of all-out war, and the only way to settle matters is for Petra to enter a battle of champions—a fight to the death.

In case you missed it…

Last week on the blog, I published the following blog posts:

As you can see, I didn’t end up writing the discussion post. I just wasn’t feeling it, and I don’t want to publish something awful just for the sake of publishing content.

Coming soon

Looking forward to this week, I have planned two book reviews (pre-written, so those will definitely go up!), a Let’s Talk Bookish post, a June Book Haul, and a Top Books of the Year (according to Goodreads) post. I’ve started writing that one already, so I really hope I can get it finished in time to post this week!

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