The Movie by Louise Bagshawe

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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Three women in search of a dream – but one of them with a nightmare in her heart.

Screenwriter Megan Silver is a waitress in an L.A. burger joint, and her life is going nowhere fast. But she has an idea worth a million dollars – if only she can get someone to read her script . . .

Supermodel Roxana Felix is the richest, bitchiest catwalk queen of them all. But it’s not enough; she wants to be a movie star and she’ll let nothing stand in her way . . .

Studio President Eleanor Marshall is the most powerful woman in Hollywood, yet the romantic inside her longs for love – and a baby. But right now she desperately needs a smash hit to save her job . . .


What would happen if your dreams came true? That’s the reality for the three women this book centres on.

Megan Silver represents the everyday girl. She works in a library and writes novels, but her novels keep getting rejected. So she perseveres, and lo and behold, she writes a script for a mega-smash-hit movie. She gets her dream guy and lives happily ever after. Except, she doesn’t.

Roxana Felix is the most gorgeous woman on the planet. She’s beyond supermodel gorgeous. She controls the modelling industry. But she wants more. People aren’t interested in her, or what she thinks, or anything except her appearance. So she makes sure she gets more. She thinks she’ll be happy when she gets it. Except she isn’t.

Eleanor Marshall is the most powerful woman in Hollywood. She’s put in the hard yards, she’s a studio executive, and she has a seemingly perfect relationship. She should be ecstatic. Except she isn’t.

The Movie is an excellent tale of how the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. You could spend years dreaming of the perfect life and working for it, but when you actually get it, it’s not the beautiful life that you had expected.

This is not a romance book, but the women in this book (not just the heroines) use their sexuality in their favour. (This results in many steamy scenes best suited for an adult audience.) It could be interpreted as a social commentary on feminism and sexuality, but really, it’s a fun read.

Every character in this story was well written. They had to be, as the story was told not just through the points-of-view of the main characters, but their love interests as well. I really enjoyed getting a peek into multiple minds, as it really fleshed out the story and made the setting feel alive. The downside to this is that it makes for a long book, so set aside at least a week to read it.

Admittedly the story can take some time to really get moving. The first couple of chapters from Megan’s point-of-view involve a timeskip (which isn’t mentioned, but you start to realise this as you read on) and confused me at first.

But, The Movie is the perfect trashy Chick Lit novel if you’re wanting something not-so-serious. It’s one of my favourite novels.

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