Author Spotlight: C.J. Archer

This post contains affiliate links which I may earn a small commission from. It may also contain spoilers for some stories written by C.J. Archer

The Author Spotlight book tag only exists because of C.J. Archer. When I started The Story Review, I knew I would be writing about C.J. Archer quite a bit. She is my absolute favourite author and has created some of my most favourite characters ever. One day, while planning content for my blog, I had the urge to showcase her as an author and why she is my favourite.

I had the privilege of interviewing C.J. Archer for a previous blog (The Literature Hub) which I will repost on this blog at a later date. While you wait for that interview, enjoy this showcase of her work.

Who is C.J. Archer?

C.J. Archer is the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of historical mystery and historical fantasy novels including the GLASS AND STEELE series, the CLEOPATRA FOX MYSTERIES, the MINISTRY OF CURIOSITIES and THE GLASS LIBRARY series.

C.J. Archer has been my favourite author for over a decade now. She is the only author whose books I will pre-order without knowing anything about the book, except for the title.

C.J. Archer’s first published story

C.J. Archer’s first published story was published on the 28th of January 2011. At the time, it was called The Adventures Of Miss Upton And The Sky Pirate, but was later renamed to Redemption.

Set in an alternate Victorian England, the Amazon page for this story describes it as a “Historical Paranormal Fantasy of Love, Passion and Pirates”. Archer’s official website notes that the story is not appropriate for readers under the age of 18.

In a world where inventors have all the power and anyone born with natural talents is feared, Tilda Upton must hide her skill at finding things from the authorities. But when a ruthless inventor discovers her ability, she’s forced to locate a secret weapon for him or be put to death. The only man who can help her is Black Jack Knight – sky pirate, vagabond, killer.

But Jack does not like passengers on his airship, especially women whose vast talents are just beginning to be discovered. And especially women who get under his skin. Together they fight corsairs, a mad inventor and their growing attraction to each other in order to retrieve the invention Tilda has been forced to find, only to learn it could destroy her.

Amazon Blurb

I have not read this story, so I can’t comment any further. If you’ve read it, leave your thoughts in a comment – I’d love to read them!

The first story I read by C.J. Archer

Technically the first novel she published, The Medium (Emily Chambers Spirit Medium Trilogy, ) was my first foray into the writings of C.J. Archer.

Historical setting? Victorian England. Check!

Magic & the paranormal? Check!

A believable and gripping love story? Check!

If you’ve read my Behind the Blogger blog post, you’ll know that I’m a sucker for history, fantasy, and romance. The Medium has all 3 things. Is it any wonder I love it?

Seventeen year-old spirit medium Emily Chambers has a problem. Actually, she has several. As if seeing dead people isn’t a big enough social disadvantage, she also has to contend with an escaped demon and a handsome ghost with a secret past. And then there’s the question of her parentage. Being born an entire year after her father’s death (yes, a year), Emily is as much a mystery as the dead boy assigned to her.

Jacob Beaufort’s spirit has been unable to crossover since his death. It might have something to do with the fact he was murdered. Or it might not. All he knows is, he has been assigned by the Otherworld’s administrators to a girl named Emily. A girl who can see and touch him. A girl who released a shape-shifting demon into the mortal realm. Together they must send the demon back before it wreaks havoc on London. It should be a simple assignment, but they soon learn there’s nothing simple when a live girl and a dead boy fall in love.

I have yet to write a review on this story (with how often I read this story a review will come), but for now, just take my word for it – The Medium is amazing and you should buy it.

My favourite story by C.J. Archer

I had been a fan of C.J. Archer for quite a few years before she released The Palace of Lost Memories (After the Rift series, ). I remember when she first announced the series, she was so nervous because it was the first story she’d written set in a world she had made up herself, and wasn’t based in a pre-existing setting like all of her other stories.

She had nothing to worry about. In my humble opinion, I deem this her best series yet. I never tire of the overarching story across the series, nor the individual stories within each book. I also love the made up setting. It’s easier to imagine the story in my mind as I read than it is with stories set in the real world, because I find myself getting too caught up in the accuracy of the details of the “real” world.

The king’s magnificent palace was built in a matter of weeks. No one saw the builders, no villagers are allowed beyond the gilded gate, and only one servant has ever left. The haunted look in her eyes as she was recaptured by the palace guards is something Josie, daughter of the village doctor, has never forgotten.

For Josie, the palace is a mystery that grows more intriguing after she meets the captain of the guards, a man known only as Hammer, as mysterious and captivating as the palace itself. Whispers of magic fuel Josie’s desire to uncover the truth, but an ordinary girl like her can only dream of ever being invited inside.

When the king decides to take a wife from among the eligible daughters of the noble families, the palace gates are finally thrown open and the kingdom’s elite pour in. In a court where old rivalries and new jealousies collide, the king’s favorite is poisoned and the doctor is summoned. As her father’s assistant, Josie finally sees inside the lavish walls, but she soon learns the palace won’t surrender its secrets easily, for not a single resident, from the lowest servant to the king himself, has a memory from before the palace existed.

In the search for the truth, Josie is drawn deeper into danger, and the answers she seeks might shake the very foundations of the kingdom.

Amazon Blurb

In terms of romance, The Palace of Lost Memories (and the whole After the Rift series) is home to my favourite couple ever: Josie Cully, Village Midwife, and Captain Dane ‘Hammer’ March.

My favourite character written by C.J. Archer

Speaking of my favourite couple, Josie and Dane happen to be my favourite characters written by C.J. Archer (yes, you read that right – I couldn’t pick just one).

Josie Cully, village midwife. She’s lived a somewhat sheltered life in her sleepy little fishing village, Mull. All that changes when “the rift” happens - a series of earthquakes that cause Mull to become an important shipping town, hundreds of immigrants to move in, and a grand castle (rumoured to have walls made of gold!) to be built nearby. These events challenge Josie to explore new possibilities, and soon she finds herself wanting to be more than the village midwife, or the village doctor’s daughter.

Captain Dane ‘Hammer’ March. He’s Captain of the palace guards, and quickly catches Josie’s eye. But it’s not one-sided, no. He’s intrigued by her. She’s kind, willing to help others, and has a unique perspective that he finds interesting.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post! Have you read any works by C.J. Archer? What are your thoughts? Leave them below – I’d love to read them!

I tag Zezee with Books next! Take it away Zezee – who’s your favourite author?

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